

International Courier Services in Colva to dispatch your couriers to different destinations.Cheap competitive rates for envelopes/docs to Domestic / International countries compared to rates offered by DHL, DTDC, Blue Dart, etc. 

  • Domestic & International Courier ServicesDispatching Food/Nonfood/Medicine/ Commercial goods, to UK, US, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Gulf (UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Etc), Canada, etc.
  • Parcels can be picked up from anywhere in Goa with a minimum transportation charges.
  • Free pickup for Colva, Betalbatim, Majorda, Seraulim, Benaulim residents.
  • Packing service for Parcels.
  • Daily Premium Courier Service to Goa and other parts of the country.
  • Regular courier services to different parts of the country.